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Dr Hammed Adeniyi Lawal

Hammed Adeniyi Lawal, PhD is the AFIT Team Lead/ Partner Coordinator for the European Union FAST4Future project. He holds Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in Space Physics/Solar-Terrestrial Physics from the prestigious University of Leicester, United Kingdom. His research interest is in Space Physics/Solar-Terrestrial Physics/Space Weather/Radio Physics/Ionospheric & Atmospheric Physics/STEM. Hammed is an Associate Professor in the Physics Department of the Air Force Institute of Technology where he teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students in General Physics and applied Physics such as Space Science, Solar & Atmospheric Physics, Programming in Physics (Python) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (Postgraduate). Recently, he handed over as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and currently he is the Head of the Department of Physics. He is a recipient of US National Science Foundation Travel grant awards and participated in the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modelling Summer School (2012), a recipient of US NSF/NASA Living with a Start Award and participated in the Heliophysics Summer School (2014) both held in Boulder Colorado, USA, and the Joint Eiscat/NSF Incoherent Scatter Radar Summer School, Finland (2016). He is a Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, the United Kingdom, a member of the European Astronomical Society, member of the American Geophysical Union and Member of the European Geoscience Union and other renowned professional/academic bodies.